Cathodic Protection

One of the Quantor Group’s key activity areas is cathodic protection of buried pipelines.

Cathodic Protection
Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection services include:

  • Design and exploration works for integrated cathodic protection systems to protect various underground utility systems;

  • Installation of cathodic protection systems to protect various underground utility systems, including cathodic protection stations with anode beds of various types and design (surface, deep, and continuous anodes), drainage protection stations (protection of structures from stray currents of any origin), ground protection units, insulating joints and flanges, test points, and insulation coatings;

  • Operation of cathodic protection facilities;

  • A comprehensive inspection of cathodic protection systems of trunk oil and gas product pipelines, pumping and compressor station sites, oil tank farms and oil and gas depot terminal, followed by design and upgrade of cathodic protection facilities; simulation modelling of active and passive corrosion protection of pumping station sites; fault location in insulating coatings; measurement of the actual burial depth of process pipelines; measurement of soil electrical resistivity. Optimization of transformer-rectifier operation modes;

  • Miscellaneous services in construction and major repairs of trunk pipeline facilities, oil tank farms and oil and gas depot terminal, including quality control of insulation coating of open utility systems, cathodic polarization method of testing of insulation coating, fault location in insulating coatings of buried metallic utilities.