QUANTOR Group has ensured sustainable success through implementation of an integrated quality, health, safety, and environment management system targeted at improvement of the Company’s processes.
The Integrated Management System covers design engineering, construction, installation, commissioning, maintenance and metrological services for projects of process automation, power supply, cathodic protection, and hydrocarbons custody transfer systems at oil and gas companies.
The Integrated Management System is certified with GlobalGROUP Certification Body.
The Certificates confirms:
that the quality management system meets ISO 9001:2015 requirements;
that the quality management system meets ISO 9001:2015 requirements (ZamanQuantor);
that the environmental management system meets ISO 14001:2015 requirements;
that the environmental management system meets ISO 14001:2015 requirements (ZamanQuantor);
that the occupational health & safety management system meets ISO 45001:2018 requirements;
The Company’s top management has established an IMS Policy, which is the basis for yearly IMS-related Objectives and Targets. The Company’s departments develop their own yearly activity-specific Objectives and Targets to contribute to the Company’s general mission.
A regular review of the IMS by the top management followed by a correction of the business performance enable QUANTOR Group to change quickly while remaining consistent with the future customers’ values and anticipations.