CPC Safety Day. 1 place

Published: 2023.09.25 11:00
CPC Safety Day. 1 place

On September 14, 2022, in the city of Atyrau, which is also called the oil capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 10th Anniversary Safety Day of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium was held. The event has been held since 2012 with the invitation of representatives of shareholders, contractors and partners of the international consortium, as well as regional authorities. To date, the personnel of the CPC and the involved contracting organizations as a whole have worked 7.4 million man-hours without lost time accidents.

More than 600 people - 28 teams representing the Consortium structural units - were involved in Safety Day events: KING JSC and SRDI Caspiymunaygas JSC; KazTransOil JSC; Private Security Company Nachin LLC; MM Securities LLP, STEM LLC, ZamanQuantor LLP, Eurostroy LLP, Agropromtekhnika LLP, VELESSTROY LLP, VELESSTROY LLC, STARSTROY LLC; Prom Expert LLC; South Transport Enterprise LLC, Giprovostokneft JSC, OGS LLC; Master-Service LLC, Dos Support LLP, SPE EKRA LLC, Sintek LLC; CPC teams of the Eastern, Central, Western regions and the Marine Terminal, DBNP team of CPC, ASPMK-519 LLP, Main Waterline LLP; Promstroy-Energo LLP; Premium LLC.

The general motto of the 2022 event was “Time of the First”.

The competition “Impossible Possible” demonstrated the skills of effective management of work and medical support in the face of emerging pandemics. “Safety is the key to victory” was devoted to improving the risk management process, assessing the effectiveness of risk barriers, the functioning of the work permit system, the process of investigating and identifying the root causes of incidents. The competition “Safety Olympics” demonstrated the competence and skills in the field of HSE. “Together” - this was the name of the competition on the topic of improving the management system of contracting organizations in the field of HSE. “Time of the first” highlighted issues on improving the system of motivation and responsibility, automation and integration of HSE business processes. The tasks of the “Step Forward” competition were aimed at improving the level of environmental safety of production activities. In the “Games of Elements” competitors checked their emergency readiness and response in emergency situations.

The Safety Day traditionally ended with summing up the results of the competition (which the CPC Press Service publishes later) and awarding prizes to the winners. In general, all participants in the international CPC project benefited from the event, because the level of safety at production facilities will continue to be strengthened.

According to the results of the competition ZamanQuantor LLP took 1st place. Our warmest congratulations on your achievement!



For reference:

CPC Pipeline System is one of the major investment projects with foreign capital in energy sector in the CIS. The length of the Tengiz – Novorossiysk pipeline is 1,511 km. This route transports over two-thirds of all Kazakhstan export crude, as well as crude from Russian oil fields, including those in the Caspian Region. CPC Marine Terminal is equipped with three Single Point Moorings (SPM) that allow to load tankers safely at a significant distance offshore, also amid poor weather conditions.

CPC shareholders: Federal Agency for State Property Management represented by Transneft PJSC (trust management) - 24%, CPC Company - 7%, NC KazMunayGas JSC - 19%, Kazakhstan Pipeline Ventures LLC - 1.75%, Chevron Caspian Pipeline Consortium Company - 15%, LUKARCO B.V. - 12.5%, Mobil Caspian Pipeline Company - 7.5%, Rosneft-Shell Caspian Ventures Limited - 7.5%, BG Overseas Holdings Limited - 2%, Eni International N.A. N.V. S.ar.l. - 2% and Oryx Caspian Pipeline LLC - 1.75%.